Tuesday, July 30, 2013

More laziness

I haven't gotten anything done this week really. Because the rain monsters will not go away. Hopefully tomorrow the sun will come out and I will get to come out of the cave. Today I am doing laundry. Anyone who thinks they can bug out alone is Nuts, in my opinion. This being out here no TV no radio nobody to play with or talk to is very very lonely. I fully intend on having a minimum of three wives when I bug out so I am taking applications for three positions. My one and only wonderful daughter sent me some Starbucks via coffee. Thank you one and only wonderful daughter!!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013


The most difficult thing so far is dealing with severe storms without modern warning systems an tv screens full of radar images.

More rain

The rain stopped for a short time today I went down to the new location. There I found that my tarp blew off all of my power tools that I just went and acquired two weeks ago are now soaking wet. So I spent the day taking the covers off of them and drying them and spraying them with oil. Of course it's raining again. Hopefully Wednesday might not rain here. We are supposed to get 2 to 4 more inches of rain between now and tomorrow night. Tomorrow is usual laundry day so maybe I will just stand outside and wash all my clothes in the rain. I am at least three weeks behind schedule so I will be using a powered chopsaw a power drill and battery screwdrivers for the remainder of the construction so that I may finish on time. I will still be running off of a generator and a very limited amount of fuel so I have to be very careful with how much I run that thing each day.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A little work


With all with all my setbacks lately from tearing up my left shoulder andback problems, lots of rain and afew days with company I am three weeks behind schedule. Yesterday late I got to work on stairs ,this morning I just finished pouring the little concrete pad at the bottom. Now I will work on the racking brackets for the porch and the stairs since I have my chopsaw. I will be a busy little fat man today.


Friday, July 26, 2013


It finally quit raining around three so I was able to get some work done it's about eight now. The stairs are almost complete I need a railing and a concrete pad at the bottom. Tomorrow I will do the concrete pad and do some brace work on the porch uprights before I start using that as a workarea. Hopefully the next two days will be dry and I can prepare to start framing on Monday I believe I am three weeks behind schedule at this point. Between the weather and my health things have not gone well. If you are over the age of 30 and out of shape I suggest you render the out of shape part. With my health and injuries I allowed myself to get very overweight I am paying for that in spades at the moment. Be sure to learn edible plants for the area you plan to be in. today in this morning's rain, I went out and picked several different kinds of plants I also found 8 grub things I used them to catch three big fat Crappie. I am having wild green stuff and big fat crappie for dinner. Good night folks


Rain rain rain. The Ramsay shows clearing in a few hours maybe I can build the porch stairs today after all. I'm going to go pick some wild lettuce and sunflower roots. The roots I will dry and grind for my Asthma medicine.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Slow start.

Having trouble getting started this week and it's Thursday haven't done much .build worktable started the frames for the stairs made a little concrete for the stairs that's all. health problems slowing me down hopefully will get better motivated by weeks end or tomorrow maybe. I need to get the stairs built so that I can start framing framing is going to be a major problem solo.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Wanted To get started again today but after cleaning up worksite. Then getting all my tools ready. The clouds moved in so I put the tools away just in time to get very wet. Headed to town did my laundry now I'm back. Maybe today I will bug in. Rain 95° 90% humidity happy happy day. I have decided to take out my little picture book and find me something edible plants got nothing better to do.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My week of rest ends tonight.

I will be doing some light work tomorrow build some stairs maybe then try to build up to do a little more work on Tuesday. I have discovered that I have been trying to work too much with my medical problems so I have to cutback work schedule by half. This is going to protract the process but I am going to keep plugging along.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Still hurting to much from last week. I mowed today and that was all. Preppers picnic here Saturday . I will get back on the cabin next week. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013


The Martin Zimmerman fiasco saddens me after all these years we still concentrate on color and not character . sure wish that would change if you are a member of the Prepper  community please keep that change . Don't  look at color look at character that's all that truly counts. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tick menace

Contrary to what the experts will tell you and I mean anyone who considers themselves an expert, ticks do not crawl up your pants legs and bite your privates or the General. Ticks come from everywhere out here I am currently sitting on my porch. A tick fell off the ceiling onto my arm,  that is obviously not crawling up my leg. Please be Leary of anyone self proclaiming expertise on anything. Includes me.

Rocket powered Skateboard Ramp

Finally ready to start the porch decking and bracing on Monday . 


If U start your day by having Homemade Brownies for breakfast it is going to be a Great day!!!!!!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friying again today

104 again.only worked a couple hours mostly cleanup and brush cutting , did get 1 coat of paint on the new floor section after finishing the screw down work on it.i broke the handle off the roller so will have to get another one. Always something . An angel sent me brownies by mail so desert was extra nice tonight. Thank U Mrs and Mr brownie making people. I kept your name secret to prevent beggars from bothering U.


Thursday, July 11, 2013


Today was not very productive. I did get the flooring in place but still have to put in some screws. The rain kept threatening but never really showed. To bad. I hope to paint the new floor tomorrow. Working solo in 105 to 110 each day is very exhausting. I plan to only work a couple hours Saturday. I do have to go to the post office to pick up my care package Friday.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


We have all read exerps by experts, more often than we like. So many of our brethren claim to be green beret or seals or rangers, it's hard to swallow it all. I don't go on youtube often because of all the crap that ends up on my computer. Some things I've tried and succeeded but most were complete flops. I suggest u look to everyday folk that have interesting ideas. Let the self proclaimed experts entertain themselves. There are some real honest good ones ., 1 in Maine 1 in Arizona teaching very valuable skills and. Probably dozens more. If the experts won't invite U to school or come speak to your or invite U into their home, I would be wary of their credentials.
Today I defeated the asphalt impregnated sheathing. I was using it to close up the underside of the floor to protect he insulation. Do not buy this stuff for that purpose unless U have at least 2 healthy helpers . I dedicated 3 hours yesterday and 5 more today for 6 lousy sheets. It is light sort of , but it is way to flexible , And U must use screws with washers or they rip thru the sheathing 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Two days heat is amazing. Didn't get anything done other than unloading the truck just too hot are going to have to get used to hot weather I guess just at my age is a little tough are you ready for the heat in your plans?????!!!!.

Monday, July 8, 2013


Good morning folks well my fall off the ladder yesterday seems to have really aggravated my back my legs are not cooperating this morning. Therefore I have just done a few things around the old cabin I did go to town to get some ice because I was getting low. I will get started later on doing some real work. My friend Jay is coming up from Oklahoma. He is bringing a generator so I don't spend another night in the cabin with 85° and 85% humidity last night I drank four bottles of water to stay hydrated not fun the new cabin will have a series of small 12 V fans to keep the air moving the old cabin always has to primarily for winter heat. Keeping hydrated in hundred degree heat today is going to be a challenge if you're out and working or living in this heat I do not envy you, please stay hydrated have a good time and remember God likes watching us do the oh shit  it's a poisonous snake dance!!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fall off the ladder day

I started my morning falling off the third rung a ladder sliding downhill and wacking my elbow on a rock. That was no fun. Then I got to work in the heat that was no fun. Learned a few things about ladders. First thing I don't like them second thing I don't like them third thing get somebody else to get on the ladder. Just took a little hike to pick something called Beebalm for Ms. Stephanie she calls it beebalm ,She did not tell me about snakebalm.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


I got the floor frame extension completed today I need to get some tar paper before I lay the OSB on the floor so I guess I go to town tomorrow. If you are planning to build something when you bug out I suggest you have a lithium powered 18 V screwdriver three batteries spared and A solar panel to keep them charged because hammering nails sucks. Keep your lumber from warping by stacking it and weighing it down with concrete blocks. Twisted floor framing lumber or house framing lumber causes you five times the amount of work on twisted wood would. Don't ask me how I know. I believe it's all Steve's fault. Remember good people always blame somebody who is not there they cannot defend themselves.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Back to work sort of.

I made some progress today oh right now I'm staring at a deer and she is staring at me. She left I started framing the floor for the extension sense I am not going with a two-story , ran into some problems with framing nailer because I wasn't 2% smarter than the framing nailer.
I have that worked out and will make more progress tomorrow thank you all for reading. I seriously goofed on the APN site when I asked a simple question I wanted to know what people believed was the amount of space they needed for a bug out. And I was trying to get an idea of an average square foot per person so that I may design and give directions on how to build simple cabins . Yes we all like the tiny house.com website but most of us do not have the carpenter skills to do double angle and bevel cuts.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Three days no work except I tried to set up post for the porch today I miss positioned the post support in the ground so tomorrow I will build a new one that's what I get for not paying enough attention whent it was too hot to pay attention. Tomorrow I will get to work on that post support and the second section of the cabin floor. Decided not to do a two-story because of the injury to my shoulder disappointing because I wanted a second floor Dear stand. Any of you know how many square feet per person is needed for a garden that produces 80% of your food needs. I am considering a 100' x 200' area for four people.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bugging out

I read so many threads where people are worried about chokepoints and bridges being blocked roaming gangs of zombies why would you wait until it was really bad before leaving if you must bug out I suggest you set parameters that will trigger your move.

Monday, July 1, 2013


An ear infection got real bad and affected my shitty heart so the doctor has ordered a short break and therefore I'm taking a short break really sucks because I have nice weather this week birdwatching for me. Hey friend gave me some rain gutter and sheet metal roofing that help save a few dollars I always appreciate saving a few dollars I picked up some framing nails for my airgun to save work because was torn shoulders hammering nails not a good idea.