Thursday, August 28, 2014


Moving the canned goods today. Doing very little the next few days because of pain. What are your plans for Pain ? 
I obviously didn't plan well enough.
M thinking growing my own weed to compliment the willow bark and cottonwood bark elixirs and teas.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


So many folks posting about innovative gardening. Next year will be a testing season for me. I have tires and I'm making towers and I'll try some Hydroponics as well. 
Getting some seeds now and buying other supplies while they are on sale.
Neem oil an DE and other goodies .
Mr Mike has been successful with straw bales so I will try that as well.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


106 and rising. The temps have been a bit high. 
Mixed two bags of quick Crete today and did some more shelving work. 1 more ladder bracket to install then put some more things in their places.
Epoxy cured the crack in the plastic gas tank on the generator. Next trip to town  I buy a dozen of the Gorilla Epoxy. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Have been dealing with 100 plus for several days and at least 4 more after today. Difficult in a primitive setting, especially sleeping at night. Haveing a couple of tiny 12 volt fans to make the air move helps but I need to increase the number of fans.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Poisen Ivy/ oak and Sumac

They all hurt and can kill with the infections that occur . Having a supply of Dawn dish soap and witch hazel and vinegar can save lives. Early treatment is mandatory . If you can not identify these plants you may get in trouble.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Any great way to remove red wasps without explosives and gasoline???


Common sense is common to no one. A computer geek would never understand the common sense common to carpenters. So when you think everyone should know what you know ; you are the idiot. People brought up in New England do not have the common sense of someone brought up in a desert.
Walkin on a tin roof with Deck shoes is stupid regardless of your previous education. Luckily the ladder was secure enough to prevent a painful  reconnection to Mother Earth.

Friday, August 15, 2014


How many of you are getting more serious about your survival shelters??? Do you have a pre planned location??

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Texas stand

The deer stand that we lovingly call the Texas Stand got blown over last winter. It is a two story affair with the bottom section being a tool shed. I had come up with a pulley cable and winch set up to re- upright the darn thing. Mr Mike and Mr Larry says,  hey,  let's see if we can pick it up. It worked. We stood it up like walking up a ladder; lesson: look for the simple solution first.

Serious work

Mr Mike used his magic weed water and axe to clean up all the brush within 50 miles of the cabin. Even better than that he brought me fresh veggies again.
Larry has worked hard on the tree trimming and I have goofed off. The Texas stand got repaired. We mowed and really cleaned the yard at the old cabin as well. I sent the grandsons on a short canoe trip 4 miles and found them 2 days later only 400 yards from where I dropped them off.
Lesson for Grandpa; teenagers do not listen to anything I say.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

To much

Got some help the last 2 days. Both youngsters thought they had better ways to do things and could complete my chores in 1/2 the time my crippled body can. They were wrong. Folks if some old fat guy has found a good way to do things it's liky he didn't get fat by working stupid.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


How prepped are you?? Ready for anything? Multiple flat tires , run out of pain meds, run out of lumber or screws for your project deep in da woods. 
Unemployment for a long period of time ?? Solar storms raging across the continent?? The collapse of the stock market and the Dollar ?? 
 I do well with the natural disaster arena but have been challenged with man mad stuff this year. I used up my emergency fund on Medical stuff and now I'm in a tight spot. Oh well time to get a better Emercgency fund I guess.

Friday, August 1, 2014


Getting some things done. The potty house is in construction and coming along fine see the picture. I got it primed today I realize the front wall is not up yet but I ran out of lumber. I think maybe we will just go with the open air version. Just kidding. I have been foraging some cherry plums and some American plums the last couple of days that has been very nice. I also was able to catch a nice catfish yesterday morning and had catfish for breakfast and again for dinner. I have a problem with weeds and the weedeater is broke so I am going to bar an old-fashioned idiot stick for cutting down the weeds. Have a great day