Sunday, June 22, 2014


The mice did a lot  of damage. Chewed wires chewed food packages chewed bedspreads and sheets chewed clothing. If you are going to have a bug out location I suggest mouse proofing it. I do not know yet the best way to mouse proof. I will be planting mint all around the new cabin. I will also caulk asmany holes as I can or put steel wall in places they may infiltrate. I got here 3 weeks lake because of an injury the Empress has and now I will waste 2 weeks washing everything and square inch at the old cabin. I will need to do at least 18 loads of laundry at a laundry mat . YAY me.


  1. Hello Kenny, is it too late to get a tom cat for the cabin? You guys hang in there, wash up good after each cleaning day.
