Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lazy lazy boy

It may take all day to acquire enough game for one family Pain levels are high and I R a wimp maybe for a few more days. I did some chainsaw work, Until it ran out of gas. I also cleared up some brush sprayed some weeds and generally goofed off. I can't trust my left leg on the ladder so soffit work is at a standstill. Hopefully by Friday or Saturday my leg won't be numb. I did get 16 feet of soffit cut today and set up eight more feet to cut tomorrow.
Today I saw a question about hunting versus traffic. I called a couple friends and they agree that trapping is preferable. The reason is I could set to dozen traps in four hours then do some things trapping in a few more hours. Then I still have a few more hours to work in the garden. If I were hunting for several people It may take all day to acquire enough food for the group. Fish trapping animal trapping are skills that need to be honed with much practice. You can buy books and you need to buy books if you have never done this. I suggest setting snares for mice and rats Near  your home to start. Then you should move on to larger games such as rabbits , squirrels. Trapping is not glamorous the animals that you get are not glamorous but they are easier to handle learn to use the hides. Any animal caught in a trap is edible whether it's a skunk an armadillo a possum or Coon rabbits squirrels muskrats nutria beaver they are all edible Learn to eat what you trap. Ducks geese and other birds can also be trapped so learn those as well.  

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