Monday, September 30, 2013


A serious breakdown of the ATV will be kicking my butt. Commuting between the old and new cabins will sap much of the minuscule energy levels I have. I am In Wichita today and tomorrow and will buy a new coil and spark plug wire for the four wheeler. I am hoping that is the problem because it's a long ways between parts house and broken machine. If it's not the coil I will obviously reduce the amount of work I get done because of the commuting on foot. My 2 Wheel Dr. pickup truck does not travel up and down that hill or road because it's 2 Wheel Dr. and not four-wheel-drive. So wish me luck on repairing the little machine.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Have gotten 2 deer in the last 2 days. They have been soaking in ice water, and now it's time to process them. I will be making sausage and jerky along with the usual steaks and burger. I bought one of those Jerky Shooters a few years back and love it. It works like a caulking gun. Fill it with ground meat and squeeze the handle. It makes nice flat sticks. I need to consider storing the stuff for my jerky cures and sausage spices . Also need spare screws and springs for the guns. A good friend brought me some Starbucks Via

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Still weak but getting better.

Got the south gabled end enclosed. Today. Then had to rest. Been resting. In a deer blind. Only 1 deer so far. I have wore out a deck of cards playing solitaire .my bible pages are getting more wear than my calluses.
What all will U folks do for entertainment when the Bijou is closed and the TV only carries the government channel.i am really needing to research and squire more herbal remedies for ailments . Especially pain. I did an experiment with a twin bed sheet. I placed it under an oak tree for 48 hours and collected 3 gallons of tree nuts. Not bad for a lazy fat man. How well would several sheets and days do??? 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hunting !

Trying to deer hunt when the sky is clear and the moon is full is silly. We are controlled by the laws and the moon is not. The critters have been very active at night but we aren't allowed to shoot them then. If we ever have to live here we probably won't much care about Game Wardens. My hummingbird friends have kept me entertained and later I will get my laundry done. Then tomorrow is back to work on the cabin. I think a redtailedtreedwellingantlerlessdeer is about to become tonight's dinner.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Recovery is slow

I haven't really done much since the ambulance ride 2 weeks ago. Finances and health issues have me in super slow motion. I have gotten some lumberjack work done . The chainsaw is an eeeviiel mistress to play with. Even as light as mine is, I still spend to much time bent over. I have tried getting on my knees but that seems awkward . So tree cutting is slow and log hauling is even slower. I am cutting firewood in 12 inch lengths because of the weight. This should help with splitting as well.
It's only 50 degrees this morning so I 

actually am wearing a shirt, feels weird.
I think I will be shopping for a wood splitter. I want one bout 5 foot 6 , size 4 to 12 with strong arms and back. She needs to be cute and have a firm well curved body and give good massages.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Big chore

Moving The camper was a major chore it was down by the old cabin which is a very very steep hill will use a four-wheel-drive truck and a 2 Wheel Dr. truck cook together with the cable were able to pull it up and out and bring it to lot one today we had to clear some brush and put some things away but we got it done. Without a couple of beautiful days weatherwise and right now we have storms moving in. Probably gonna rain all  night. I still have to process my dear I got it cut up and off the carcass also it would fit in a giant cooler with lots of ice I like to soak them in ice water for a couple days to draw out the blood and stuff. I think this evening after I get done with this posting I will get to work again. It's going to rain all night so I got nothing Better to do.

Work today

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Black powder season.

The first two days of black powder season have been steady rain no deer. I did promise everybody I would continue to rest after my short hospital stay so I have not had much trouble convincing myself to sit on the porch and wait for deer to come to me.. I did enjoy watching my hummingbirds and all of the butterflies that would popout every time the rain would quit for a moment. And probably spent way too much time on the Facebook. So when the sun comes out tomorrow morning I will be a little more aggressive in my hunting . I would like to shoot two deer this year to have some for my freezer. I would also like to get up and get out of this chair and do a little bit of walking anyway. I haven't done any work on the cabin all last week because of the hospital and so far this week because of the rain hopefully I'll get an hour at it tomorrow maybe two then maybe a little more next week everybody have a great day thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yay back in the woods.

I came back out last evening. This morning I mowed the grass at the old cabin ended the weed eating. Love watching my butterflies hummingbirds and bunny rabbits. They are very excellent stress relievers. I do have a conundrum how do I replace my nitro glycerin after I can't yet do a pharmacy. Do any of you find people out there have any suggestions for me.? I am going to enjoy today I have some minor repairs to do on the old cabin before winter. And then I'm just going to clean guns and get ready for deer hunting tomorrow. I hope all of you have a blessed Sunday if like me you follow Christ and celebrate today because Sunday is the day he rose from the grave and conquered sin. And boy do I need all the conquering I can get

Friday, September 13, 2013


I'm still at my nieces house recovering from exhaustion. I will head back out to the cabin tomorrow I believe. I've been ordered to slow down my progress for working which I could not believe I could get any slower. But my age my injuries and my health are against me. I have a question for for all of you and I hope to get a clear answer,  what kind of cooking oil can I store long-term or do I have to use something like Crisco.?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


My niece is due for her new baby the first of next month so she is obviously 9700  months pregnant. I am staying at her home to recover from terminal stupid. She and her husband went to work this morning and Alyssa went to school.
I in my wisdom decided I would do housework and laundry like I do at home. I lasted about 30 minutes then nearly passed out. I guess the doctors that said I am exhausted are right. 
I will get the kitchen and laundry. Done but it looks like it will take all day.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Was supposed to have cookies at the picnic yesterday. Had chest pains. Instead. Spent the night in a. Cardiac unit instead. No fun. Hopefully will escape soon. No serious heart damage with this one I think. Forced vacation. This will put me further behind schedule. Yay!
Well pain mess are kicking in so no more typing.

Friday, September 6, 2013


I think I have done well learning sow new wild edibles so far this summer. With hard wrk I could now easily survive a year or two without a Arden. This part of my adventure has been fun. New flavors and textures . I just was given a mushroom book, fantastic. 
I'm in the big city for a lunch date today a date for the State Fair tomorrow and a picnic on Sunday.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tired today

I apologize for not updating lately. I have been in a lot of pain. This is led to very little getting done. My friend Larry came out he just had both knees replaced so his knees my back and shoulders we work a little slower than dead bugs on the windshield. The little 3 x 6 storage shed/deer stand is almost complete. So at least a little bit has gotten done this week. Tomorrow we hope to finish the storage shed and take break. I also have been dealing with problems with my elderly father if any of you are considering having elderly people live with you think again. My father was an asshole when I was a child an asshole when I was a young adult and he's still an asshole. I was forced because of his behavior to throw him out of my house. This was very tough because I have spent a lot of Sundayschool class time teaching the commandment Honor thy Father and Mother. I can't have him cussing at my wife and blaming us for his screwups. Tough week.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Holy stuff

Had silly foil hat wearing friends visit today. Bullets a flying and trees a falling. Got a little work done and had lots fun.